[Online] Azure Feedback

Join Microsoft and us online on Tuesday, August 25th, at 6:00 PM. Microsoft would like to understand better the pain points, and thereby opportunities, our customers are reporting building apps on Azure using .NET Core code. Please come with questions and constructive feedback. Nothing about setting up v-nets or other infrastructure questions, please.

The special meeting guests are Brady Gaster and Shayne Boyer.

Brady Gaster is a Principal Program Manager in the ASP.NET team at Microsoft. He works on SignalR, microservices, and APIs, and integration with Azure service teams in hopes to make it exciting for developers who work on .NET apps to party in the cloud. You can find Brady on Twitter or Twitch at @bradygaster when he’s not learning with (or from) his two sons, tinkering with code, or making music in his basement.

Shayne Boyer works for Microsoft as a Principal Cloud Developer Advocate creating content on ASP.NET Core, Docker, and Cross-Platform development tools for the Azure platform. He is a former ASP.NET MVP, INETA community speaker, and Telerik Developer Expert. Shayne often publishes content on ASP.NET, TypeScript, Node.js, JavaScript, and Web API development and can always be found on Twitter @spboyer or his blog at tattoocoder.com.

The meeting sponsor is Microsoft.

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Please RSVP.

{"meta":{"date":"2020-08-25","speaker":"Brady Gaster, Shayne Boyer","sponsor":"Microsoft"}}